Sep 16, 2021 swiftui

How to add list in SwiftUI for Static items and Dynamic Items

Today  We are going to learn about how to add List in swiftui of Static Items. Initally We will start with the Static items . First we need to define the what are the elements in the list row how…

Sep 05, 2021 appicon

How to set App Icon Xcode Dynamically

How To Dynamically Change Your  App Icon in iOS Application Today We are going to Start the Dynamic set App Icon Xcode in iOS Application. to get Started we need a couple of AppIcon. they should be placed on group…

Sep 04, 2021 Swift

How to Do Service Call wait until turn on the internet connectivity

 Swift Network Service call When internet is turned on ' Today We going to start with as Concept call of network service While internet is turn On.   Whenever the user turn Off the internet or wifi is connectivity is…

Sep 02, 2021 swiftui

Swiftui list Selection : Row Selection in SwiftUI

selection list of  Particular Row in SwiftUI. Swift Supports both single selection and as well as multiple Selection in List.Swiftui list Selection Earlier we used to have tableView DidSelect method in Storyboard but now we have list we can add…

Sep 02, 2021 iOS

How to Setup the Product Flavour in iOS Xcode

Creating a Different Product Flavors in iOS Product Flavour in iOS :Whenever we are creating a iOS App we needed to create different build in different Environment. multiple Environment are of different Http request they may be UAT, Sit or…

Sep 02, 2021 swiftui

how to use multiple font size text in SwiftUI

 Use multiple Font text in swiftui fonts In swift we used to add two different label for different font. this can be achieved in swiftui fonts. We can add this in below format in SwiftUI. struct ContentView: View {  …

Aug 30, 2021 swiftui

How Can we implement Pull to refresh in SwiftUI

Pull to Refresh in SwiftUI Earlier in storyboard we were used to UIRefreshControl() which was using this observer we would load the tableview by calling the tableViewreloadata() let refreshControl = UIRefreshControl() override func viewDidLoad() {    super.viewDidLoad()    refreshControl.attributedTitle =…

Aug 28, 2021 interview

iOS push notification interview questions and Answers

Apple Push Notifications Interview Questions and Answers Here are the apple push notification interview questions for fresher and experience candidate.voip push notifications ios What is NSNotification?   An Object Which Contains information broadcast to registered observers that bridges to the notification.…