Jan 12, 2022 AppBar

How to add flutter AppBar height?

whenever we need to change the flutter AppBar height of the widget. Initially We need to declare the Appbar widget in the scaffold of the flutter. Firstly We need to declare the appbar widget in the in the file in…

Jan 11, 2022 swiftui

What is swiftui AppStorage property wrapper ?

As apple introduced SwiftUI it also changed the use of Userdefault storage as SwiftUI AppStorage as the property wrapper. SwiftUI provides 2 different types of App state they are Appstorage SceneStorage They are basically used to restore the value with…

Dec 21, 2021 swiftui

SwiftUI or StoryBoard what to choose

Today most of the iOS developer are confused on picking SwiftUI or storyboard. Most of the developer are familiar with Interface builder which is known as storyboard which usually uses the XIB . We hope to give the comparision between…