May 10, 2024 iOS

Load and navigating to next screen not working when coming back to screen in swiftui

Certainly! It seems like you’re facing an issue with navigation in SwiftUI when coming back from a subsequent screen. Let’s explore some possible solutions to address this problem:

  1. NavigationLink Approach:
    • If you’re using NavigationLink to navigate to the next screen, ensure that you’re using it consistently throughout your app. Make sure that the navigation stack is correctly maintained.
    • Check if you’re using any custom navigation logic (e.g., hiding the navigation bar, custom transitions) that might interfere with the default behavior.
  2. Root View Controller Approach:
    • If the next view is your root view, you can programmatically set the root view controller to the desired view after a successful login. Here’s an example:
UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController = UIHostingController(rootView: YourNextView())

Replace YourNextView() with the actual view you want to display after login.

3. ObservableObject and EnvironmentObject:

  • Ensure that you’re using an ObservableObject to manage your authentication state (e.g., whether the user is logged in).
  • Use @EnvironmentObject to pass this authentication state to your views. This way, changes in the authentication state will automatically update the UI.
class UserAuth: ObservableObject {
    @Published var isLoggedin = false
    // Implement your login logic here

In your ContentView:

struct ContentView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var userAuth: UserAuth

    var body: some View {
        if !userAuth.isLoggedin {
        } else {

4.SceneDelegate Approach:

  • Alternatively, you can set the root view controller directly in the SceneDelegate. When the login is successful, signal the change of state (e.g., using notifications), and then set the root view controller to your main view.
  • Example
// Inside SceneDelegate.swift
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
    // ...
    let contentView = ContentView().environmentObject(UserAuth())
    // Set contentView as the root view controller
    window?.rootViewController = UIHostingController(rootView: contentView)
    // ...

There are a few reasons why loading and navigation might not work as expected when returning to a screen in SwiftUI. Here are some potential causes and solutions:

1. Navigation State Issues:

  • Missing NavigationLink: Ensure you’re using NavigationLink within the previous screen to push the next screen onto the navigation stack.
  • Incorrect Destination: Double-check that the NavigationLink‘s destination property points to the correct view you want to navigate to.

2. Data Loading Issues:

  • Data Not Fetched on Return: If your next screen loads data dynamically, verify that the data is fetched again when returning to the screen. Consider using a StateObject or ObservableObject to manage the data and trigger reloading on appearing.
  • Outdated Data: If you’re using a simple @State variable for data, it might not be updated automatically upon returning. Consider using a more robust data management approach.

3. Caching Issues:

  • NavigationLink.presentationMode: Try setting the presentationMode property of the NavigationLink to .transient to prevent SwiftUI from caching the destination view. However, use this cautiously as it can affect performance.

4. View Lifetime Issues:

  • View Not Re-rendered: If your next screen uses conditional logic to determine its content, make sure the view is re-rendered on returning. Consider using onAppear modifiers or state management techniques to trigger updates.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Print Statements: Add print statements to your code to check if navigation is happening and data is being loaded as expected.
  2. Breakpoints: Use breakpoints in Xcode to inspect the state of your variables and views at different points in the navigation flow.
  3. Simplify Your Code: Isolate the navigation and data loading logic in a minimal example to identify the root cause more easily.

Here’s an example with potential improvements:

struct MyFirstView: View {
  @State private var navigateToNext: Bool = false

  var body: some View {
    Button("Navigate") {
      navigateToNext = true
    .navigationLink(isActive: $navigateToNext) {

struct MyNextView: View {
  @StateObject private var viewModel = MyNextViewModel() // Manage data with view model

  var body: some View {
    VStack {
      Text("Data: \(")
      Button("Reload Data") {
        viewModel.loadData() // Trigger data loading explicitly
    .onAppear {
      viewModel.loadData() // Load data immediately when the view appears

class MyNextViewModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var data: String = ""

  func loadData() {
    // Your data loading logic here
    data = "Updated Data" // Example update

In this example:

  • Navigation uses NavigationLink with @State variable.
  • Data is managed using a StateObject and loaded in onAppear and a button action.

Remember to adapt this example to your specific data handling and navigation logic. By following these guidelines and debugging techniques, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue preventing your screens from loading and navigating correctly when returning in SwiftUI.