Apr 02, 2024 iOS

Understanding GCD in Swift: A Comprehensive Interview Guide

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Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) is a low-level API pivotal in managing concurrent operations in Swift, offering a balanced approach to executing tasks across multicore hardware in iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Known also as Dispatch, it stands at the core of enhancing application performance, making applications smoother and more responsive by preventing hang or freezing issues [1] [2]. GCD not only facilitates multithreading, allowing a CPU to switch rapidly among tasks to execute them seemingly simultaneously but also introduces systemic improvements ensuring tasks are matched optimally with available system resources [3] [4].

As we delve into gcd in Swift interview questions, our article provides a comprehensive guide covering operations, semaphore, race condition, thread safety, and more. We’ll explore serial vs. concurrent queues, synchronous vs. asynchronous execution, and best practices for utilizing Grand Central Dispatch. With a focus on concurrency, semaphore, dispatch group swift, and nsoperationqueue swift, this guide aims to prepare developers for tackling concurrency interview questions and multithreading scenario-based questions, bringing to light the significance of GCD in creating efficient iOS applications [5] [6].

Understanding Concurrency in iOS

In the realm of iOS development, comprehending concurrency is pivotal for creating efficient and responsive applications. Here’s a breakdown of key concepts and components:

  • Concurrency vs. Parallelism:
    • Concurrency involves starting multiple tasks at the same time without guaranteeing their completion order, aiming for tasks to make progress simultaneously using time slicing [1] [7].
    • Parallelism refers to multiple tasks happening at the same time without context switching, which is distinct from concurrency in its lack of need for time slicing [7].
  • Swift’s Approach to Concurrency:
    • Swift provides built-in support for writing both asynchronous and parallel code in a structured manner, allowing for the suspension and resumption of code. This is crucial for operations like updating the UI while carrying out long-running tasks [7].
    • Despite the usage of threads within Swift’s concurrency model, direct interaction with threads is abstracted away, promoting safer and more readable code [7].
    • The introduction of language-level support, such as actors for thread-safe mutable state access, brings some compile-time checking to concurrency, enhancing code safety and reliability [7].
  • Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) and Concurrency:
    • GCD stands as a cornerstone in iOS for multitasking, enabling the execution of multiple tasks simultaneously. It intelligently determines task execution and CPU time allocation, utilizing Quality-of-Service (QoS) to prioritize tasks [3] [4].
    • With four QoS levels (.userInteractive, .userInitiated, .utility, .background), GCD manages tasks in dispatch queues, executing them one after another or in parallel across different CPU cores, depending on the queue type (serial or concurrent) [3].
    • GCD’s async() and asyncAfter() functions facilitate asynchronous task execution and delayed task execution, respectively. It’s crucial to avoid blocking the UI thread to maintain app responsiveness, with UI updates mandated to occur on the main thread [3].

Understanding these concepts is essential for leveraging concurrency in iOS development, ensuring applications perform optimally by efficiently utilizing system resources and maintaining responsiveness.

What is Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)?

Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) is a powerful tool in Swift that dramatically enhances the performance and responsiveness of applications by efficiently managing concurrent tasks. Here’s a breakdown of its core functionalities and how it achieves this:

  • Core Functionality:
    • Concurrent Operations Management: GCD allows for the execution of multiple tasks at the same time, ensuring applications remain smooth and responsive [1].
    • Automatic Thread Pool Management: It intelligently manages a shared thread pool, adjusting the number of threads based on the system’s current load and physical condition. This optimization moves thread management code to the system level, freeing developers from manual thread management [9].
    • Execution of Tasks: GCD operates by using queues of closures to execute tasks submitted to the system. Tasks can be executed asynchronously, allowing multiple tasks to run simultaneously, or synchronously, where tasks are completed one after another [10].
  • Types of Queues:
    • Main Queue: A serial queue that runs on the main thread, crucial for all UI code execution [13].
    • Global Queue: A concurrent queue that executes tasks based on priority, allowing for efficient multitasking [10].
    • Custom Queue: Developers can create custom queues, which can be either serial or concurrent, usually executed on a global queue for specialized task management [10].
  • Key Classes and Methods:
    • DispatchQueue: Acts as a container for tasks, managing them in FIFO order. It supports both concurrent and serial execution [1].
    • DispatchWorkItem, DispatchGroup, and More: GCD includes various classes like DispatchWorkItem for wrapping executable code, DispatchGroup for grouping tasks and monitoring their completion, and others like DispatchSemaphore for controlling access to resources [2].
    • Asynchronous and Synchronous Execution: GCD provides flexibility in task execution. Asynchronous execution allows tasks to run in the background without blocking the main thread, while synchronous execution ensures a task is completed before moving on to the next [12].

Understanding these components and how GCD manages concurrent operations is crucial for any developer looking to optimize their applications on Apple’s platforms. By leveraging GCD’s capabilities, developers can ensure their applications are performing at their best, providing a seamless experience for users.

The Main Components of GCD

Understanding the main components of Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) is essential for developers aiming to optimize their iOS applications. Here’s a breakdown of these components, ensuring clarity and ease of understanding:

Dispatch Queues

  • Types:
    • Serial Queues: Execute one task at a time in the order they were added. Ideal for tasks that need to be completed one after another to avoid race conditions [9].
    • Concurrent Queues: Allow multiple tasks to run at the same time. Suitable for tasks that are independent of each other [9].
    • Main Queue: A special serial queue that runs on the main thread, crucial for UI updates [9].
    • Global Queues: System-provided concurrent queues with different priority levels [9].
    • Custom Queues: Developer-defined queues that can be either serial or concurrent, providing flexibility for task management [9].
  • Characteristics:
    • Follows First-In-First-Out (FIFO) order for task management [1] [16].
    • Thread-safe, ensuring safe access from multiple threads [16].

Quality of Service (QoS)

  • Purpose: Categorizes work items based on their priority, guiding GCD on task execution precedence [3].
  • Classes:
    • User-Interactive: For tasks requiring immediate completion. High priority [16].
    • User-Initiated: For tasks initiated by the user that need to be done soon [16].
    • Utility: For long-running tasks, lower priority [16].
    • Background: For tasks the user is not directly aware of, lowest priority [16].

Execution Methods

  • Synchronous: Blocks the current thread until the task completes. Used when task completion is necessary before proceeding [16].
  • Asynchronous: Does not block the current thread, allowing the task to start and complete in the background. Ideal for tasks that do not need to finish before moving on [16].
  • Delayed Execution: Utilizes the asyncAfter method for tasks that need to start after a certain delay [16].

Additional GCD Components

  • DispatchWorkItem: Encapsulates work that can be executed in any queue. Allows for attaching completion handlers or execution dependencies [2].
  • DispatchGroup: Monitors a group of tasks as a single unit, useful for syncing multiple tasks [2].
  • DispatchSemaphore: Controls access to resources across multiple threads, preventing race conditions [2].
  • DispatchSource: Manages low-level system events like file-system changes or timers [2].

By leveraging these components, developers can efficiently manage concurrent operations, ensuring their applications remain responsive and performant. The use of GCD in Swift applications not only enhances performance but also simplifies the complexity associated with multithreading and concurrency.

Serial vs. Concurrent Queues

In understanding Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) in Swift, a crucial distinction to grasp is between serial and concurrent queues. These two types of queues handle tasks differently and are suited for various purposes in your applications. Here’s a concise comparison:

Serial Queues

  • Execution: Serial queues execute one task at a time, ensuring tasks are completed in the order they were added [1] [8] [19] [20].
  • Use Cases: Ideal for tasks that require sequential execution to prevent race conditions. For example, when updating a shared resource [8] [20].
  • Example:
let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "swiftlee.serial.queue")
serialQueue.async {
    print("Task 1 started")
    // Do some work..
    print("Task 1 finished")
serialQueue.async {
    print("Task 2 started")
    // Do some work..
    print("Task 2 finished")
// Output: Task 1 started Task 1 finished Task 2 started Task 2 finished

Concurrent Queues

  • Execution: Allows multiple tasks to run simultaneously. The start order of tasks is preserved, but their completion order can vary [8] [19] [20].
  • Use Cases: Suitable for independent tasks that can be executed in parallel to improve efficiency [8] [19].
  • Example:
let concurrentQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "swiftlee.concurrent.queue", attributes: .concurrent)
concurrentQueue.async {
    print("Task 1 started")
    // Do some work..
    print("Task 1 finished")
concurrentQueue.async {
    print("Task 2 started")
    // Do some work..
    print("Task 2 finished")
// Output: Task 1 started Task 2 started Task 1 finished Task 2 finished

Synchronization with Barriers in Concurrent Queues

  • Purpose: A barrier flag in concurrent queues can synchronize write access while allowing concurrent reads, crucial for maintaining data integrity [19].
  • Example:
final class Messenger {
    private var messages: [String] = []
    private var queue = DispatchQueue(label: "messages.queue", attributes: .concurrent)
    var lastMessage: String? {
        return queue.sync {
    func postMessage(_ newMessage: String) {
        queue.sync(flags: .barrier) {

Understanding the differences between serial and concurrent queues and their appropriate use cases is vital for optimizing task execution in your Swift applications. This distinction plays a significant role in ensuring your applications run efficiently, maintaining responsiveness, and preventing data races.

Using GCD for Asynchronous Tasks

Using Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) for asynchronous tasks allows developers to execute operations in the background, enhancing app performance and responsiveness. Here are ways to effectively utilize GCD for asynchronous tasks:

  • Performing Background Operations:
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
    // Background task
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        // UI Updates
  • Use DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async for operations that don’t require immediate user interaction or updates to the UI. This ensures that the main thread remains free for UI updates, keeping the app responsive [3].
  • Delayed Execution:
let deadlineTime = DispatchTime.now() + .seconds(1)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: deadlineTime) {
    // Code to be executed

  • Schedule tasks to be executed after a delay using DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter. This is useful for operations like animations or showing notifications after a certain time [3].
  • Grouping Asynchronous Operations:
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
loadUserActivities { dispatchGroup.leave() }
loadUserComments { dispatchGroup.leave() }
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
    print("All activities complete 👍")

  • When you have multiple asynchronous operations that need to be completed before proceeding, DispatchGroup allows for synchronization. Enter the group before starting each task and leave once each is complete. Use dispatchGroup.notify to execute code after all tasks are done [3].

These techniques demonstrate the flexibility and power of GCD in managing asynchronous tasks. By effectively using background queues, delayed execution, and grouping tasks, developers can ensure their applications perform optimally, maintaining a smooth user experience.

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Execution

Understanding the distinctions between synchronous and asynchronous execution in Swift is crucial for optimizing application performance and ensuring a smooth user experience. Here’s a breakdown of their key differences and use cases:

Synchronous Execution

  • Definition: Synchronous (Sync) execution waits until the task is finished before the method call returns [1].
  • Behavior: When a task is executed synchronously, the thread that initiated the operation will wait for the task to finish before continuing. This means that synchronous tasks block the calling thread until completion [21] [26].
  • Use Cases: Particularly useful for UI updates and modifying thread-unsafe data structures, where tasks need to be completed in order to proceed without causing race conditions or data corruption [22].
  • Example: An example of synchronous execution in Swift is DispatchQueue.main.sync, which is often used for performing tasks on the main thread that need immediate completion before the app can continue [21].

Asynchronous Execution

  • Definition: Asynchronous (Async) execution returns immediately after the method call, allowing the task to run in the background [1].
  • Behavior: Asynchronous function returns immediately to the caller before the task completes, which means asynchronous tasks return immediately without blocking the calling thread [9] [26].
  • Use Cases: Asynchronous execution is ideal for operations that can be performed in the background, such as downloading data or performing heavy computations. This allows the main thread to remain responsive to user interactions [22].
  • Example: Utilizing DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async for background operations is a common asynchronous execution practice, which helps in keeping the UI thread free for updates [3].

Comparison Table

Aspect Synchronous Execution Asynchronous Execution
Method Call Waits for the task to finish before returning [1] Returns immediately after the call [1]
Thread Behavior Blocks the calling thread until the task is completed [26] Does not block the calling thread, allowing it to run other tasks [26]
Use Cases UI updates, modifying thread-unsafe data structures [22] Background operations, heavy computations without freezing the UI [22]
Example DispatchQueue.main.sync for immediate task completion on the main thread [21] DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async for background tasks [3]

Understanding these differences and when to use each type of execution is key to writing efficient Swift code. By choosing the appropriate execution method, developers can ensure their applications remain responsive and performant, enhancing the overall user experience.

GCD Best Practices

When working with Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) in Swift to enhance the performance and responsiveness of applications, adhering to best practices is crucial. Here are some guidelines to ensure effective use of GCD:

  • Quality of Service (QoS) Prioritization:
    • User-Interactive: For tasks requiring immediate results, such as UI updates [27].
    • User-Initiated: For long-running tasks where the user expects a quick completion [27].
    • Background: For operations that run in the background without user awareness, such as data syncing [27].
  • Task Grouping and Execution:
    • Utilize DispatchGroup for managing multiple tasks, ensuring to enter before starting a task and leave upon completion. Use notify to proceed once all tasks are complete [27].
    • For concurrent operations, consider using the Combine framework’s zip operator for a cleaner approach [27].
  • Thread Safety and Error Handling:
    • Address race conditions and critical sections with dispatch barriers for write operations and dispatch semaphores for controlling access to shared resources [27].
    • Distinguish between structs and classes; prefer structs for their thread safety due to value semantics [27].
    • Always perform UI updates on the main thread to avoid inconsistencies and potential crashes [27].

In addition to these practices, it’s important to choose the right tool for the task. GCD is a lower-level API suitable for simpler tasks, while OperationQueue offers more control for complex operations [27]. Also, consider creating fewer, long-lived queues and apply concurrency only when it’s proven to improve performance through measurement [28]. Avoid excessive thread creation by using global concurrent dispatch queues wisely and being cautious of tasks that block for long periods [26] [28]. Lastly, always ensure that your code does not unnecessarily wait on semaphores or dispatch groups after dispatching work as it can lead to deadlocks and degraded performance [28].

Common Mistakes to Avoid with GCD

To avoid common pitfalls when working with Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) in Swift, it’s crucial to adhere to best practices and be mindful of certain missteps. Here are some key mistakes to avoid:

  • Direct Usage of Global Concurrent Queues:
    • Avoid using DispatchQueue.global() directly for every task as it might lead to overcommitting system resources. Overcommitting can cause inefficiencies and, in extreme cases, thread explosion, where too many threads are created, severely impacting performance [29].
  • Mixing Synchronization Methods:
    • When adopting Swift Concurrency features, refrain from mixing them with classical synchronization methods such as locks and semaphores. This can lead to complex code that is hard to debug and maintain. Instead, fully leverage Swift Concurrency’s modern, safer constructs [30].
  • Misunderstanding @MainActor and Main Thread Execution:
    • Applying @MainActor to a function doesn’t automatically make the entire method run on the main thread. It’s not equivalent to wrapping the method’s code in DispatchQueue.main.async. Understand the distinction to ensure correct execution context [30].
    • When you need to ensure execution on the Main Thread, especially for UI updates, explicitly use @MainActor or await MainActor.run { /* code */ } for code that cannot be marked with @MainActor but needs main thread safety [30].
  • Concurrent Queue Task Management:
    • Limit the number of tasks in a concurrent queue to prevent thread explosion. Excessive tasks can overwhelm system resources, leading to decreased app performance [31].
    • Utilize DispatchSemaphore or OperationQueue‘s maxConcurrentOperationCount to control the number of concurrent tasks, ensuring efficient use of system resources and maintaining app responsiveness [31].
  • Overreliance on GCD:
    • While GCD is a powerful tool for managing concurrency, overusing it can complicate your code, making it harder to read, understand, and maintain. Balance its use with other concurrency patterns and tools provided by Swift [32].

By steering clear of these common mistakes and adopting best practices, developers can ensure their use of GCD in Swift enhances app performance and reliability without introducing unnecessary complexity or resource issues.

Preparing for GCD Interview Questions

Preparing for GCD interview questions involves understanding key concepts and being able to apply them to real-world scenarios. Here’s a structured approach to ensure you’re well-prepared:

Key Concepts to Master

  • Understanding of GCD and its Components: Ensure you’re familiar with the basics of GCD, including dispatch queues, dispatch work items, and the quality of service classes. Know how these components interact within the iOS concurrency model.
  • Serial vs. Concurrent Queues: Be able to explain the difference between these queues, their use cases, and how they affect task execution order and concurrency.
  • Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Execution: Understand the implications of executing tasks synchronously or asynchronously on different queues, including the main queue, and how this choice affects app responsiveness.

Practical Application

  • Code Snippets: Practice writing succinct code snippets that demonstrate the use of GCD for common scenarios, such as updating the UI after a network call or performing a heavy computational task in the background.
  • Problem-Solving: Be prepared to solve problems that require you to optimize an existing piece of code using GCD, ensuring efficient use of resources and maintaining app performance.

Common Interview Questions

  1. Explain GCD and its role in iOS development.
  2. What is the difference between a serial and a concurrent queue? Provide examples of their use cases.
  3. How does GCD’s async and sync functions differ, and when would you use each?
  4. Describe a scenario where you would use a dispatch group.
  5. How do you ensure thread safety when accessing a shared resource with GCD?
  6. What are the quality of service classes in GCD, and how do they influence task prioritization?

By focusing on these areas, you’ll be able to demonstrate a solid understanding of GCD during your interview, showcasing your ability to leverage concurrency effectively in iOS applications. Remember, the key to success is not only knowing the theory but also being able to apply these concepts in practical scenarios, ensuring that your applications are performant, responsive, and reliable.


Throughout this comprehensive guide, we’ve delved into the essentials of Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) in Swift, elucidating its pivotal role in enhancing the performance and responsiveness of iOS applications. By exploring the nuances of serial vs. concurrent queues, synchronous vs. asynchronous execution, and delving into practical implementations, the article offered insights into leveraging GCD to effectively manage concurrent operations. The guide not only illuminated the theoretical aspects but also provided actionable strategies for utilizing GCD in real-world scenarios, ensuring applications run smoothly across Apple’s platforms.

The significance of understanding GCD extends beyond mere academic knowledge; it embodies the core of creating efficient, responsive applications that enhance user experience. As we highlighted best practices and common pitfalls, developers are encouraged to apply these insights thoughtfully, balancing performance with optimal resource utilization. The knowledge imparted here lays a foundation for further exploration and innovation in concurrency, inviting developers to continue refining their skills in Swift and GCD. The journey towards mastering GCD in Swift is iterative, demanding constant learning and adaptation, with the promise of elevating iOS application development to new heights.


Q: How is Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) utilized in Swift programming?
A: Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) is utilized in Swift to manage concurrent execution of tasks in iOS apps. It organizes tasks into queues and schedules them on various threads according to their assigned priority levels, allowing for efficient multitasking.

Q: What distinguishes GCD from operation queues in Swift?
A: The main distinction between GCD and operation queues in Swift lies in their use cases and capabilities. GCD is best for executing simple asynchronous tasks efficiently and with minimal overhead. In contrast, operation queues offer more advanced features such as managing task dependencies, the ability to cancel tasks, and the encapsulation of tasks within Operation objects for complex operations.

Q: Can you explain what a dispatch queue is in Swift?
A: A dispatch queue in Swift is a first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue where your application can submit tasks in the form of block objects. These tasks are executed either one after the other (serially) or simultaneously (concurrently). The system manages a pool of threads on which the tasks from dispatch queues are executed.


[1] – https://medium.com/@nimjea/grand-central-dispatch-in-swift-fdfdd8b22d52
[2] – https://developer.apple.com/documentation/DISPATCH
[3] – https://www.appypie.com/grand-central-dispatch-swift
[4] – https://www.kodeco.com/28540615-grand-central-dispatch-tutorial-for-swift-5-part-1-2
[5] – https://www.reddit.com/r/swift/comments/etv151/grand_central_dispatch/
[6] – https://hackernoon.com/grand-central-dispatch-gcd-in-ios-the-developers-guide
[7] – https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/documentation/the-swift-programming-language/concurrency/
[8] – https://charlieinden.github.io/ios-interviews/2018-10-23_Operation-and-Grand-Central-Dispatch-interview-questions-694da9a069fb.html
[9] – https://ali-akhtar.medium.com/concurrency-in-swift-grand-central-dispatch-part-1-945ff05e8863
[10] – https://medium.com/@muhammad.cse11/thread-and-grand-central-dispatch-gcd-in-swift-4859865cc684
[11] – https://reintech.io/blog/mastering-swifts-grand-central-dispatch-gcd-for-multithreading
[12] – https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2016/720/
[13] – https://www.swiftbysundell.com/basics/grand-central-dispatch
[14] – https://medium.com/@sajalgupta4me/mastering-grand-central-dispatch-gcd-for-ios-interviews-practical-examples-and-real-world-c5a9c18192f4
[15] – https://www.hackingwithswift.com/read/9/3/gcd-101-async
[16] – https://medium.com/geekculture/gcd-grand-central-dispatch-in-swift-923df84e8ca5
[17] – https://medium.com/@ayshindhe/simplifying-grand-central-dispatch-gcd-in-swift-cc3d4f681c43
[18] – https://forums.swift.org/t/when-execute-gcds-async-task-is-executing-like-async-await-or-not/62970
[19] – https://www.avanderlee.com/swift/concurrent-serial-dispatchqueue/
[20] – https://www.quora.com/What-s-the-difference-between-Concurrent-Queue-and-Serial-Queue-GCD-Grand-Central-Dispatch-in-Swift
[21] – https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21122842/whats-the-difference-between-synchronous-and-asynchronous-calls-in-objective-c
[22] – https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/109196
[23] – https://www.hackingwithswift.com/quick-start/concurrency/what-is-an-asynchronous-function
[24] – https://medium.com/@aayug256/mastering-concurrency-in-ios-interview-questions-and-answers-for-developers-b1a4a6a1351c
[25] – https://www.mendix.com/blog/asynchronous-vs-synchronous-programming/
[26] – https://medium.com/@rakeshkusuma/concurrent-vs-serial-dispatchqueue-f0dceb79d298
[27] – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEMspH7Aq9U
[28] – https://gist.github.com/tclementdev/6af616354912b0347cdf6db159c37057
[29] – https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/711736
[30] – https://wojciechkulik.pl/ios/swift-concurrency-things-they-dont-tell-you
[31] – https://www.swiftpal.io/articles/how-to-avoid-thread-explosion-and-deadlock-with-gcd-in-swift
[32] – https://www.reddit.com/r/iOSProgramming/comments/y5ljdp/swift_concurrency_things_they_dont_tell_you/
[33] – https://onnerb.medium.com/swift-concurrency-fd42c072234e
