Hi Guys Today we going to implement the launch Screen (Splash Screen ) in SwiftUI, A Launch screen is the important screen in iOS Application .
Initially the While Creating the new Xcode project, Xcode would automatically generate LaunchScreen.storyboard to design the launch screen in storyBoard Framework.
If you wanted to a launch screen in SwiftUI frameWork there is no longer launch storyboard is available.
Xcode 12 has introduce a setup to perform launch screen implementation in SwiftUI. the Tool has provided the setup for Launch Screen
Tutorial for implementation of Launch Screen
The Image Below Shows the launch screen for iOS App. The launch screen adapt the different mode of dark and light mode.
1) Import the image for launch screen in asset catalog folder

2) Since iOS content both dark and Light Mode we needed to set the colour asset for both mode

3) Setup the launch Screen
To add the launch screen in SwiftUI you need to add it in info.plist file.click on the info.plist search for the launch screen in info.plist In launch screen click the arrow left to the launch screen name. click + button and add the image name beside the image as shown in the image below

Now Try to run the Xcode to see the launch image appear in the screen of the simulator